Instant booking

You can book instantly on the app for same day or a future date

24/7 Booking

Book at a time that is convenient to you, even at 2am

Smart matching

Our state of the art app, will match you with the closest driver with the right size van for your needs

Lowest prices guarantee

We guarantee the lowest price, or we will refund you the difference

Cash or Card payment

You can pay cash to the driver, or simply register a card or PayPal and at the end of your move, we would automatically charge your payment method.

No deposit

You can just request a move on the app, without having to pay a deposit and pay by cash, card or paypal at the end of your move.

No cancellation fee

Request and cancel at anytime without having to pay any cancellation fee

No minimum booking time

We only charge you for the exact time you use to the nearest minute, after our base rate charge. (base rate charge is equivalent to an hours booking)

Fastest pick up guarantee

With thousands of vans on the road day and night, we are confident that we can provide a van faster than any other company

Highly efficient

Just a few taps on the app, watch a van move towards your pick up in real time

Real time tracking

Track your belongings or loved ones in real time on the app

Free ride in the van

We offer free rides in the van subject to availability

24/7 Customer telephone support

Contact us at anytime our fully trained friendly staff are ready to assist

Move at a price you decide

We left the best part till last, if our system quote exceeds your budget, tell us what you can afford and leave it with us. With so many vans on the road, we would use our state of the art technology to match your move with a van travelling in your direction, that has enough space to move your items at the same time.

Vanmove drivers believe in - less money is better than no money

From the Vanmove Team, we look forward to moving you happy!